Why are pigeons on my roof? | Pigeon Control | GoldShot Exterminating

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Why Are Pigeons On Your

Roof Or Balcony?

Why are pigeons on my roof or balcony?

Folks always ask why the pigeons are on their roof or why pigeons are on their balcony. The answer is that every situation is different so the reason pigeons settled on any individual structure can vary. That said, pigeons are a lot like every other critter in the world: they're looking for food, water and shelter. So those will be the basic reasons behind why a pigeon infestation is where it is. The nooks & hidden areas up on the roof of many homes and buildings offer great sheltered spaces for pigeons to nest in. Β Pigeons have a pretty broad diet and findΒ all of the food and water they need in our neighborhoods. Dog food, trash, grass seed and a host of other things offer all of the food they need. And the lush landscapes that we have provide all of the water they would ever need. You also have to take into account things like a lack of predators and shade.

Another thing to remember is that pigeons don't give up their home easily. So, even if the Β food or water source that originally drew them to a specific location is gone, the pigeons may still be there. An example would be if you were to seed your yard for a winter lawn. You can bet that if the pigeons find the seed they'll feast on it. And sit on your roof while they're there. And poop. The problem is that when the seed it gone, there's a good chance the pigeons won't be. If they find the shelter they need while there, they may just stay. As you can see, it's not always easy to figure out why a customer has a pigeon infestation on their home or business. Pigeons roost near their nest, often where they have a clear view of it. They like the high points in a neighborhood as it offers the advantage of seeing any predatorsΒ from afar.

A Community Of Pigeons On Your Roof

Pigeons have a strong sense of community and will nest and roost close to each other. They basically have their own neighborhood on the roof tops of the homes in your neighborhood. Unfortunately it's not always possible to remove conditions that are conducive to pigeon activity. The other pigeons and many of the food and water sources may be located on nearby properties where you have zero control. That makes some sort of pigeon control as the best solution in most cases. The sooner you get the pigeons off of your roof, the less expensive it will generally be, both in damages and for the proofing.

Prevention is really the key when it comes to aΒ pigeon problem. They are stubborn so it requires an an eye for detailΒ and the use of quality pigeon control products. Making sure there are fewer food and water sources available to pigeons can help prevent them from ever getting started. Of course, you can't control what's happening around your property. So if you live next to a farm where livestock is being fed and watered every day, it's very possible that pigeons will be hanging around. And neighbors may be feeding the birds and drawing pigeons as well.

If you start to see them hanging around, I advise going ahead and have the nesting sites such as nooks under the eaves or space under roof mounted a/c units netted to prevent nesting. Or if you have pigeons under your solar panels, have that screened to exclude them from getting under there. Some times they may like roosting on ledges that overlook nesting sites on neighboring structures, too. Taking care of these problem areas early almost always saves the customer a bunch of money, not to mention the aggravation. Pigeon poop stains stucco, the roof and any porous surface it lands on. And it creates an unhealthy environment, too. They rarely leave on their own so do yourself a favor and prevent the problem from ever getting out of hand. I promise that if you don't there's a good chance you'll wish you had.

Q&A: Does Pigeon Feces Post A health Risk For Your Family?

Customer Rating:

"August 20, 2015 To: Westbrook Village Assoc To whom it may concern, I recently had GoldShot Exterminating take care of Pigeon Control at my house. Fair price and excellent workmanship. So glad I called you and they are on your vendor list. Sincerely, Penny"
Penny M,
Peoria AZ

Customer Rating:

Β SAugust 20, 2015 To: Westbrook Village Assoc To whom it may concern, I recently had GoldShot Exterminating take care of Pigeon Control at my house. Fair price and excellent workmanship. So glad I called you and they are on your vendor list. Sincerely, Penny"
Penny M,
Peoria AZ

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