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Rodent Control Removal Phoenix AZ

Mice, Rats, Gophers & Squirrels!

Effective Rodent Control

We Know How
To Get Rid Of Critters!

Information about DIY Rodent Control

Got mice, rats, gophers or squirrels? If so, you need professional grade rodent control products from GoldShot Exterminating's curated DIY Rodent Control Products list. We only suggest products that offer the highest quality rodent control solutions available. That includes mouse traps, rat traps, and traps for roof rats, pack rats, pocket gophers, ground moles, squirrel removal, and more.

Pack Rats, Roof Rats and Mice. Gophers, Squirrels and moles!

None of them pay rent. And they can all pose serious problems for both residential and commercial properties. Rodent feces and urine can produce an extremely unhealthy living or working environment. Rodent infestations have been responsible for or implicated in the spread of many diseases to both humans and domesticated animals/pets. Plague, Murine Typhus, Rickettsial Pox, Rat-Bite Fever, Wells Disease, Rabies, Salmonella, various Hantaviruses. The list goes on and on. All have been spread by rats and mice. Rodents also cause millions of dollars in damages to our food, structures and personal belongings every year. It almost always costs more to fix damages caused by rodents than to prevent them in the first place. You can see why quality effective, professional rodent control is so important. That includes home sealing and rodent exclusion to help keep them out.

Here's The Deal:

Rodents are everywhere and about a third of all Americans are dealing with a rodent infestation at any given time. Although human/rodent interaction is more prevalent in the colder months when they are looking for a warm place to nest, the sooner you get rid of them the better.

Rodents are a potential health problem and they cause millions of dollars in damages to our homes and belongings each year.

DIY Rodent Control And Exclusion Products

Mouse Control:

The most common mouse problems we deal are house mice and field mice. In general, mice have poor eye sight and rely heavily on their keen sense of hearing and smell to survive. Although they are accomplished explorers, they rarely go farther than 50 feet from their nest. Most mice give birth to an average of 6 - 8 pups per litter and can have 5 - 10 litters per year so the population can explode quickly. If you find mouse droppings in or around your home or business, you need to get a control program going right away. Why? Well, 6 pups x 5 liters = 30 mice in a year. And it can be worse than that.

Rat Control:

Though there are several species of rats, the pack rat and roof rat tend to be the more frequent pest control problems as they love human environments. Depending on the species and their living conditions, rats can have between 10 and 20 litters of 8 - 12 pups per year - that's ridiculous! Although each species has it's own unique behavioral traits, most rats will travel as far as 300 feet from their nest for food. Of course, like mice, pack rats and roof rats love to set up shop in our attics and crawl spaces. The math for rats is worse than the math for mice. One pair can produce 80 rats in a year!

Gopher Control:

The Botta's Pocket Gopher or 'Valley Gopher" is just one species of gopher, but a huge pest control problem. They can live 1 - 3 years, give birth to 1 - 8 pups per litter and can have 1 or more litters per year. They live in tunnels that can sometimes be up to 150 yards in length and have been known to move up to a ton of soil per year, so one gopher can be responsible for a lot of damage to a large geographical area. They are strictly vegetarian with a diet consisting of whatever plants are a available, which includes almost everything in your yard. How many tons of soil can be dug up and moved around in your yard before it ticks you off?

Squirrel Control:

The Rock Squirrel poses a big pest control problem, especially in the southwest part of the country. They have 1 or 2 litters of 3 - 9 pups per year and can live up to 2 years in the wild. Once they set up shop in a location they become a permanent fixture and, over the years, can ruin your landscaping. Much like a pocket gopher, the rock squirrel can eat many of the plants in your yard, nibble into water lines and undermine the integrity of the soil under ground-mounted A/C units, sheds and other fixtures in their territory.

Rodent control is an important part of what any reputable reputable pest control company does. Everybody wants to build a better mouse trap, but at the end of the day having experience, an eye for detail and an ability to think like these critters are an absolute must for any successful rodent control specialist. That's where GoldShot Exterminating's DIY Pest Products website comes in. For the most part, YOU can handle ANY rodent problem and have effective solutions for your mouse control, rat control, gopher control & squirrel control needs that include evicting your unwanted guests and helping to prevent their return when possible. There's even a bio-cleaner product that can be used to neutralize the bacteria in rodent feces and urine. All you need is us + our 3+ decades of chasing rodents.

It all adds up to a safer, cleaner and healthier environment for you, your family and/or co-workers. You don’t have to live with a rodent problem! Check out GoldShot's curated list of DIY Rodent Supplies today and get rid of rodents tomorrow.

Customer Rating:

"We live in Paradise Valley so have the full assortment of insects as well as rodents. They take care of everything and will make return calls if requested. They are dependable and trust worthy. They are the type of people/business you can trust them with the key to your house and know all will be well in your absence."
Sabra W, Paradise Valley AZ

Customer Rating:

"We live in Paradise Valley so have the full assortment of insects as well as rodents. They take care of everything and will make return calls if requested. They are dependable and trust worthy. They are the type of people/business you can trust them with the key to your house and know all will be well in your absence."
Sabra W, Paradise Valley AZ

Professional Pest Control Service

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