FAQ: Are Bats Rodents? | #1 Best DIY Pest Control | GoldShot
Bat FAQ Post

Are Bats Related To Mice Or Rats?
They Look Like Them!
Are Bats Rodents?
Bats certainly look a lot like rodents, especially mice and/or rats. But, ARE bats rodents? The fact is they aren't rodents at all, but belong to their own unique group called Chiroptera, which basically means hand-wing. Bats are the only true mammal that can actually fly and they are 2nd only to rodents in number, accounting for around 20% of the total species of mammals.
As long as the bats aren't getting into your home or business, you should just let them do their thing. As far as flying insects (including mosquitoes) goes, bats are the best pest control service available - and they're free. If you think they may have found their way into your home or are causing a structural or health concern, you need to deal with them right away - in a legal and humane way.
If you are able to safely get to the entry/exit points, grab the appropriate DIY Bat Control Product below and get it done. If you don't feel safe, call a professional bat control expert. Don't let them live in you walls, crawl space or attic - it will not end well!
That said, if they're just hanging around outside, let them. In fact, we recommend helping them by installing bat boxes around your property (see the following product installation). NOTE: do not install bat boxes within 75 feet of the structure if possible. Happy Hunting!
Product Recommendation:
Big Bat Boxes
Bat boxes allow you to have bats around your property to help with pest control, while giving them a safe place to live that IS NOT in your attic or crawl space. What a wonderful way to harness nature! Get more info by clicking HERE. NOTE: as an affiliate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. NOTE 2: We personally own a few bat boxes and highly recommend them.
John's Pick:
Bat Exclusion Device | One Way Bat Door
Bats can get out - but they can't get back in!
Bat Cones | The #1 Best Way To Get Bats Out Of An Attic
One of the things about bats that you need to know is that they are federally protected. If you hurt or kill a bat, you could face a serious charge and/or fine. That said, you definitely don’t want to have bats hanging around (literally!!) in your home’s attic, wall voids, crawlspace, etc. A bat cone is an excellent and humane way to get the bats out with letting them back in.
Bats must have a place to rest, so they will quickly find a place where access isn’t a problem if they are not able to return to the place they have been calling home. A properly installed bat cone (sometimes you may need more than 1 bat cone to get the job done), will do just that: move the bats along to a new home.
As far as your overall bat removal and control plan goes, you’ll need to make sure that all other points of entry/exit are sealed up before installing the bat cone(s). That will force the bats to exit where it is safe for them to do so. Wait three days, then remove the bat cone and permanently seal that point of entry/exit up, as well. As long as they are not able to find another way in, they will not be a structural problem moving forward.
BatCones are generally fairly easy to install, and – more importantly – will allow bats the opportunity to exit an attic, crawlspace, etc. but not re-enter.
Bat Cones Are How To Remove Bats From An Attic
So, bottom line:
Are Bats Rodents?
No - but they will invade your space and cause serious structural and possible health problems for you and your family if left unchecked. They may not actually be rodents, but they can present just as big of a problem as rodents. Be proactive - don't let bats invade your space. Check out the Bat Door listed here or the other best selling DIY Bat Control products.
Best Selling DIY Bat Control Products:
Best Selling
DIY Scorpion
Control Products
Are Bats Rodents?
Professional Pest Control Service
If you feel you need help with your pest problem, reach out to our friends at Terminix. They've been solving the world's pest control needs for 90+ years. Wherever you are - get Terminix.
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