Watching The Wildlife In Arizona | GoldShot Exterminating
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Arizona Has A Diverse Wildlife Population
Watching The Wildlife
Watching The Wildlife
In Arizona
Folks love to watch the wildlife here in Arizona. It's one of my favorite things to do, too, so I get it. And we're blessed to live in a state that has such a diverse wildlife population. Whether you're watching wildlife in the desert areas of Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma or ?? or up in Arizona's high country - Show Low, Flagstaff, Payson, etc.), there's plenty of different critters to track. My personal favorite is the Rocky Mountain Elk simply because you don't get to see them just any 'ol where. Their big and majestic and I love to see how close I can get before they decide they've had enough of me. It's always fun to see wild turkey, too, and spotting Big Horn Sheep is rare and always a treat.
Here's just a small sampling of who you may run across if you get out away from town (and sometimes even in town!):
- Arizona Badger
- Bats
- Bald Eagle
- Bark Scorpions
- Bear
- Big-eared Bat
- Bighorn Sheep
- Bobcat
- California Condor
- Chiricahua Leopard Frog
- Chuckwalla Lizard
- Coral Snakes
- Coyotes
- Desert Tortoise
- Fish - lot's of different species
- Gambel's Quail
- Gila Monster
- Golden Eagle
- Horned Toad
- Jackrabbits
- Jaguar
- Javalina
- Kit Fox
- Mallard Ducks
- Merriam's Turkey
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bats
- Mountain Lion
- Mule Deer
- Prairie Dog
- Porcupine
- Pronghorn Antelope
- Raccoons
- Rattlesnake
- Ringtail Cat
- Roadrunner
- Rocky Mountain Elk
- Rodents
- Sandhill Cranes
- Skunks
- Squirrels
- Tarantulas
- Western Banded Gecko
- White Tailed Sheep
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Wildlife Watching In Arizona
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