How Do You Get The Bats Out Of My Attic? | GoldShot Exterminating
Pest FAQ Post
Pest FAQ Post
Bats Love To Nest In Attics
How Do We Get Them Out?
How Do We Get Bats Out Of Your Attic?
When bats take up residence in an attic, bad things happen. They poop. They pee. They die. Did I mention that they poop & pee? And die.... You get the picture. After awhile, the attic will become a heck of a mess which can lead to both structural and even possible health concerns. There's absolutely nothing good about having bats living in your attic, crawl spaces or wall voids. That's when you need a real plan of attack.
Bats are protected, so you can't hurt them. Besides, they are fantastic for control of flying pests such as mosquitoes. To get them out, we recommend installing a 1-way valve which will allow them to exit the structure but not re-enter. After they've been gone for a few days, simply go back to remove the valve and seal up the opening(s) permanently. The bats aren't hurt - they just gotta move on and find a new place to hang out. You can see on this page a product called a Bat Door, which works very well in almost any situation. NOTE: if the opening is bigger than the Bat Door, simply close up the open areas around the Bat Door, which will force the bats to exit through the device. At the end of the day, it's our 35+ years of experience that will help you solve a problem with bats.
Product Recommendation:
Big Bat Boxes
Bat boxes allow you to have bats around your property to help with pest control, while giving them a safe place to live that IS NOT in your attic or crawl space. What a wonderful way to harness nature! Get more info by clicking HERE. NOTE: as an affiliate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. NOTE 2: We personally own a few bat boxes and highly recommend them.
John's Pick:
Bat Exclusion Device | One Way Bat Door
Bats can get out - but they can't get back in!
Bat Cones | The #1 Best Way To Get Bats Out Of An Attic
One of the things about bats that you need to know is that they are federally protected. If you hurt or kill a bat, you could face a serious charge and/or fine. That said, you definitely don’t want to have bats hanging around (literally!!) in your home’s attic, wall voids, crawlspace, etc. A bat cone is an excellent and humane way to get the bats out with letting them back in.
Bats must have a place to rest, so they will quickly find a place where access isn’t a problem if they are not able to return to the place they have been calling home. A properly installed bat cone (sometimes you may need more than 1 bat cone to get the job done), will do just that: move the bats along to a new home.
As far as your overall bat removal and control plan goes, you’ll need to make sure that all other points of entry/exit are sealed up before installing the bat cone(s). That will force the bats to exit where it is safe for them to do so. Wait three days, then remove the bat cone and permanently seal that point of entry/exit up, as well. As long as they are not able to find another way in, they will not be a structural problem moving forward.
BatCones are generally fairly easy to install, and – more importantly – will allow bats the opportunity to exit an attic, crawlspace, etc. but not re-enter.
Bat Cones Are How To Remove Bats From An Attic
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How Do You Get Bats Out Of Attics?
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