Can scorpions climb walls or beds? | GoldShot Exterminating

Scorpion FAQ Post

Scorpion FAQ Post
Bark Scorpions Are Good At Getting In Your Home
But, Can Scorpions Climb Walls?
With some 40 years of experience in professional scorpion control, we know how to point you in the right direction for effective DIY Scorpion Control.
We've curated the best products to help get rid of scorpions to save you time & money.
DIY Sticky Traps = A Critical Part Of Scorpion Control:
One of the more common questions we get is: 'can scorpions climb walls?' The answer is yes - at least the Arizona Bark Scorpion can. And once they get into your house they can hide anywhere - your shoes, your bed, the clothes hanging in the closet...
Scorpions, like most critters, tend to move around your house by hugging the walls. That's why sticky traps are a critical part of your scorpion control program. Whether you do it yourself scorpion control or pay for a professional exterminator, USE STICKY TRAPS! Every scorpion you catch is a scorpion that cannot climb walls or into your bed. Can scorpions climb walls? Yes - but not if they are stuck in a glue board.
John's Pick:
Trapper Max Glue Boards
Trap Mice, Bugs, Insects, Bed Bugs, Spiders, Scorpions, Cockroaches, More. This is a fantastic, non-toxic, discreet, safe DIY Scorpion Control Product!
- Great non-toxic way of catching rodents and insects.
- The glue covered surface measures 4.5"X 6.5" (The whole trap is 5.25"X 7.75")
- Can be used as flat or folded and placed where rodent or other target pests activities have been observed.
- Includes 72 peanut butter scented glue boards
- Boards are scented
Can Scorpions Climb Walls?
Can Scorpions Get In Your Bed?
Yes - at least the Arizona Bark Scorpion can. It's the only one of the 40+ known species of scorpions in Arizona that can climb a vertical surface. There are a few things that you can do to make it less likely that you'll be sleeping with bark scorpions:
- Obviously - if you have a scorpion problem, you need to do regular, on-going pest control.
- I really believe in a Home Seal or Scorpion Sealing. If it's done right I think it's the best value in pest control and will make a definite difference as far as lowering the number of scorpions inside of your home goes.
You'll Find Info on How To keep Scorpions Out Of Your Bed Below
Bestselling Scorpion Control Products
We've curated scorpion control products on Amazon to save you some time and some money. Scorpions are tough - you need professional grade scorpion control products to get rid of scorpions.
Scorpions Love To Hide In Our Beds
So, can scorpions climb into your bed? Yes - but, why do scorpions like beds? They probably wouldn't if they knew we were going to be there, but they don't. They're just looking for a place to hide. Something tight and dark - like under the covers or pillows on our beds. Of course they'll sting you if you lay down on them as a self defense mechanism, but they really don't want any more to do with you than you do with them. Follow the tips above and you'll both sleep better.
This Is How To Keep Scorpions Out Of Your Bed:
- Night light. If you can position lighting so that it keeps the floors lit it may help reduce the number of scorpions that move around close to your bed at night. They like it dark - don't give it to them.
- Shake out your bedding real good before getting into bed.
- Make sure your blankets and sheets don't touch the walls or floors. Scorpions will use them as a bridge to get to your bed.
- You can put the legs of your bed (or a crib) in glass jars. As long as they are clean, scorpions cannot climb them.
- If you have a serious scorpion problem or are allergic to scorpion or bee venom, you can prevent scorpions from falling off of the ceiling into your bed. You do this by taking a piece of foam board that's bigger than your bed, attach double sided tape to the outer edges of one side and suspend it a few inches from the ceiling directly above the bed. If a scorpion falls onto it they will get stuck and not be able to fall onto the bed.
Other Bestselling Sticky Traps
We've curated DIY Sticky Traps on Amazon to save you some time and some money and to help with your scorpion control efforts. My personal recommendation is the Trapper Max. Inexpensive and very effective, they have been my go-to for years. Scorpions are tough - good sticky traps are a critical component!
Here Are Some Newly Released DIY Scorpion Control Products
Click and read customer reviews to see if any of these newer products should be a part of your on-=going scorpion control plan.
Can Scorpions Climb Walls?
Professional Pest Control Service
If you feel you need help with your pest problem, reach out to our friends at Terminix. They've been solving the world's pest control needs for 90+ years. Wherever you are - get Terminix.
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