Do Bird Spikes Really Work? | #1 Best Bird Control Spikes
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Bird Spikes Are One Of The Most Common Bird Control Products
Will Spikes Keep Birds Off Of The Roof?
Do Bird Spikes Really Work?
Pigeons, and other species of birds, love to roost on top of a roof. It's high - up away from people. There's a great view so they can see the other birds in their community and any approaching predators. And there's often good options for shelter, too, such as solar panels, roof-mounted A/C units and nooks where 2 roof lines meet. All provide an awesome place for birds to raise a family.
Question: What are bird spikes called?
Answer: There are several different brands, types, sizes and configurations of bird control spike strips. All of them are intended to prevent medium to large species of birds from roosting on a given surface. That's why bird spikes are also known as anti-roosting spike, pigeon spike, or a roost modification device.
John's Pick:
Bird Barrier Bird-Flite Stainless Steel Bird Spikes
I cannot tell you how many thousands of miles of Bird-Flite that I and my company have installed over the years. There are lots of different bird spike products out there - and I've tied most of them. But this has been my go-to bird control product for so many different substrates for a very long time. I highly recommend this product!
Bird-Flite: #1 Best Bird Spikes. DIY & Save!
Bird-Flite bird control spike strips can be an effective part of almost any bird control program. The 1′ spike strips are flexible, adaptable, easy to install and made to last. Stainless steel tines are attached to a polycarbonate base that is manufactured with a series of screw holes for easy installation. PRO TIP: Bird-Flite bird spikes can also be installed with a quality indoor/outdoor adhesive, such as Bird Barrier’s Bird Bond (included in each kit). To make this installation super secure, let the adhesive ‘mushroom’ through the screw holes in the base.
Bird-Flite strips can be used to prevent any medium to large species of bird from roosting or lighting on all sorts of surfaces, such as: Ledges, Signs, Parapets, Pipes, Beams, Chimneys, Cameras, , Lights, Etc.

Bird-Flite Installation Diagram
View the diagram above and choose the appropriate product width for best results. Always clean and let dry the target surface, which will provide a healthier work area for you and allow the product to better adhere to the surface.
NOTE: Bird control spike strips are not intended for high pressure bird control problems, such as existing nesting sites. Complete exclusion is recommended to solve existing bird nesting locations.
Bird-Flite is easy to install, adaptable for a wide variety of substrates, and effective for the control of any medium to large bird species.DIY Bird Spikes
I can't tell you how many times a customer will call me out to help them solve their bird problem and I find spike up on the roof. The customer is often confused as to why the spike they paid someone else to put on the roof didn't keep the birds away. The answer is actually pretty simple: those bird spike strips don't move and they can't cover the entire roof. Therefore, they just don't work.
Bird spikes, or pigeon spikes, are considered 'ledge products'. They are designed to protect a ledge. And if the right size and configuration of spike for a given ledge is installed correctly, they will almost always work. On rare occasions, smaller birds may nest in the spike because they can fit between the tines nicely. But out of the literally thousands of miles of bird spike that I've installed over the past 30+ years, I've only dealt with that problem a handful of times.
If you have birds up on the roof, spike is not the answer. You have a few options available to you:
- Have the birds trapped and relocated at least 50 miles away.
- Introduce lots of movement and light to the roof such as Daddi Long Legs, flash tape, Scare Eye Diverters and a host of other bird control products
- Build a giant cage over the entire structure and fill it with hawks or cats.
At the end of the day, don't use spike on the roof or hire anyone who plans to do so. It just won't work. Period. I hope this article helps shed a little light on why bird spike didn't get rid of the birds on your roof. Get the DIY Bird Spikes you need here and get rid of birds now. As always - Happy Hunting!
John H. Goldshot
P.S. GoldShot Exterminating is a proud sponsor of StreetLight USA. Check them out at and see how you can help stop child rape. What if it were your daughter?
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